Imagining a New Era for Parkcrest


Though our dedicated and resourceful staff has kept the facility open and operational, behind the scenes our aging pool faces frequent leaks and mechanical challenges. With membership growing and peak hours busier than ever, a renovation safeguards Parkcrest from a catastrophic facility failure while better serving all members.

Thanks to a very generous matching gift opportunity of up to $1 million, Parkcrest is well on its way to its next era — one that enhances the experience for every member and strengthens our community for years to come. We need your support to make it a reality though. Please join us!

Goals & Objectives

Thanks to Findorff and other corporate and individual sponsors, a draft design includes solutions for key challenges identified by staff and members last year.

Why Now?

Simply, we can’t afford to wait. A vibrant Parkcrest benefits us all, and if we want it to stay a neighborhood gem where our kids, grandkids, and prospective neighbors can participate and find value, we need to act. Key elements that make this project possible, including planning resources and a seed donation, are only available to us now.

If by April 1 we’ve raised enough money to start construction this fall, we’re guaranteed invaluable support and a completed pool by Opening Day 2026.

Photo: Flooding in Parkcrest mechanical room due to broken plumbing.

Timeline and Next Steps

  • April 1, 2025

    Goal date to maximize matching gift and continue the project on schedule.

  • September 2025

    Findorff begins construction on the project, working throughout the off-season to ensure no facility downtime for members.

  • Memorial Day 2026

    New pool and facility are ready for opening day of the 2026 summer season.

  • July 30 - August 1, 2026

    Parkcrest hosts the All-City Swim Meet, offering athletes and attendees an accessible experience.

Please Join Us!

Your support keeps PC a vibrant attraction for years to come.