Supporting the future of Parkcrest Swim and Tennis Club

Info Session Sunday March 16

More Info and RSVP Here

Our Mission

Friends of Parkcrest exists to support the enhancement of aquatics education, water safety training opportunities, and community wellbeing in the neighborhoods surrounding Parkcrest Swim and Tennis Club.

Friends of Parkcrest is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Funds donated to Friends of Parkcrest support accessible and inclusive aquatics programming, community participation scholarships, and the establishment and maintenance of facilities and equipment that support the mission. Learn more about our current capital campaign to renovate Parkcrest below.

2025 Capital Campaign

Parkcrest has been a beloved summer destination since it opened in 1968. As it approaches its 58th year in operation, the need for major renovations is apparent.

Though our dedicated and resourceful staff has done a fantastic job keeping the pool open and operational, behind the scenes our 57-year-old pool faces frequent leaks and mechanical challenges. With membership growing and peak hours busier than ever, a renovation safeguards Parkcrest from a catastrophic facility failure while better serving all members long-term.

Thanks to a very generous matching gift opportunity, Parkcrest is well on its way to its next era — one that enhances the experience for every member and strengthens our community for years to come. We need your support to make it a reality though - please join us!

Become a Friend of Parkcrest.

Your support keeps PC a vibrant attraction for years to come.

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